Digital Marketing Strategies for e-Commerce Websites

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Websites

There are days when you had to go through an entire book just to get a piece of information or go to a shop every time you had to buy something. With the internet taking over, everything has changed and so has marketing techniques. We have been introduced to the concept of digital marketing or several digital marketing strategies. Since it has been proven to be a great source of generating leads and increasing sales, there is a lot of competition in this area.

Today, we will look into the things that you require to make sure your marketing campaign stands out from others.

1-Content Writing

Designing an amazing website layout, adding a shopping cart to make things easy isn’t enough to generate leads. You have to convey to the audience about your product and how it is different than others? You can use different techniques to deliver your content:

  • Blogs: They can be informative, quick reads like listing out things or just talking about something relevant these couple of days. Learn how to start  wordpress blog.
  • Slide shares: Though not completely relying on this, but this can help convey your message with different transitions and animations
  • Visual data: Making graphs or maybe a video explaining your product and its success can be a way.

2-Email Addresses

According to research email marketing makes the best return of investment (ROI) of all the digital marketing techniques. You can make your one-time visitor to a regular customer if you collect their email address before they opt for your site for the very first time.

  • Encourage your visitor to sign up for an email newsletter
  • Send emails regarding coupons, bumper offers or any discounts your company offers. Try to send them to special events like Christmas
  • Collect database, and divide it according to your audience’s interest reflected through their purchases.
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3-Add Augmented Reality

The developing digital marketing demands unique techniques to keep the conversion rate high, adding augmented reality is one of those techniques. This allows users to look at real surrounding through the lens of a device and that device adds effects like sound and graphics to maximize the sensory perception. Not only does this sound cool but it’s also very effective.

4-Mobile Friendly

None of us are oblivious to the fact that smartphones have become one of the most important factors in our lives and hence it should be taken in account while promoting digital marketing. Mobile phones can be used in multiple ways e.g:

  • Making mobile app for your website
  • Adding mobile payment options
  • Location-based technology helps to ping user whenever they walk by your shop.

It is important to note that since April 2015, mobile friendliness of your website has become an important ranking factor for Google

5- Social Media

We are surrounded by unlimited social media apps. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter are just few of the most used apps around the world and they can be used in digital marketing. Facebook Pages Manager allows managing communication with customers on Facebook and Instagram.

Adding relevant pictures and encouraging people to follow you helps generate leads.

In conclusion, it is important to highlight the importance of digital marketing but it’s not an easy task. Working with other experts in the same field can help you grow your business a lot. If you want to learn more about these tips, feel free to contact us.

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